Firepit, created by Dean Adams Curtis, follows the lives of a group of university students who share
a house in Southern California near their school, Cal Poly Pomona. To escape, click browser back arrow.
Firepit - Season One, Episode One |
Firepit - Season One, Episode Two |
Firepit - Season One, Episode Three |
Firepit - Season One, Episode Four |
Firepit - Season One, Episode Five |
Firepit - Season One, Episode Six |
Eve and Jessica talk, while Jessica's friend Ben mainly observes the two women's interactions for ten minutes as they share plenty of laughs getting to know one another. |
Nico arrives, giving Eve some competition for the one available room. But the roommate who scheduled them, Andrew Godot, is not at the house. Jessica is in contact with him via texts. |
Ricky arrives, a record player is set up, and a fire is started in the firepit. All are waiting for Godot. Instead, Nataly, the sister of another of the roommates, arrives with Andy and their baby Nova. |
The conversation is on fire. Around the bonfire in the firepit, Nataly reveals her animal rights activism. She has been to demonstrations at a Farmer Johns pig to pork plant. Others around the firepit also tell stories about themselves and their families. A misconception of Jessica's is corrected. |
Jessica describes a skateboard vs. car accident. Ricky and Nico talk about the vinyl record revival. Ben describes himself as "that weird friend." Nobody seems bothered by waiting for Godot. |
A game of Never Have I Ever as the fire burns down to glowing embers reveals much more information about those waiting for Godot, perhaps more than several of them intended to reveal. Then comes the text to Jessica, Godot is not coming. Sleeping arrangements are made. |